We have considerable experience in assisting companies in managing growth by taking a hands-on role in optimizing processes and procedures, professionalizing organizations and structure enabling the company to absorb growth.
The CapitalChange team combined has executed over 70 transactions in an advisory capacity. The team has owned significant stakes over fifteen (mostly Dutch) SME companies, with revenues ranging from €1 million up to €100 million. During these periods of ownership, the team was involved in developing over €200 millions of profitable revenue growth, resulting significant value for all shareholders combined. In addition, within our team we have experience in successfully bringing a company to Amsterdam stock exchange, as well as board level experience in running internationally listed companies.

- CEOs of several multi-billion, publicly traded companies
- CEOs of several SME companies
- Owners of in total over 15 SME companies
- Significant revenue and botom-line improvements

Albert Marseille
Hans Scholten

Martin Adler
Robert van der Plas